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Karl Stephan Studio

"Guernica Every Day" oil, oilstick and sgraffito on salvaged canvas, 2022
KS×20: Artist/Curator Talk
Thursday April 28th 7 PM
Nave Gallery 155 Powder House Blvd Somerville MA

Born on a U.S. Navy base in Kenitra Morocco, artist/educator Karl Stephan grew up in Washington D.C., Honolulu and the New York City suburbs. After more than 25 years in sales, Karl returned to painting in the wake of the terror attacks of 2001. He curated the well-regarded Wall to Wall exhibits on community and collaborative art at Nave Gallery. Karl teaches in his Cambridge studio, at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston and in various other settings. He has a BFA from Guilford College and a Masters in Art Education from Tufts School of the Museum of Fine Arts.

Kylie Terra Burnham is a Masters candidate in Museum Education at Tufts, a multi-media artist, performer and choreographer and a founding member of the Queer Theater Project.
Kylie manages the Digital Design Studio in Tisch Library at Tufts, where she teaches design principles and strategies for audio-visual and graphic media. In all her work, she seeks to position museums, galleries, and libraries as sites for wellbeing, close looking and interpretation for mental health.
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